

Everyone in your life is loving you right now, to the best of their ability.
Their hearts are as closed or as open as they can possibly be right now.
Everyone is dealing with sorrows, fears and joys you may never know. Seeking love in their own way.
When you're trying to get love from others, it really matters how open or closed their hearts are today.
You go to war with them, trying to crack them open.
When you're not seeking love, but instead knowing love as your own true nature, feeling the source of love in your own brilliant heart, you are free, and the battle for love ends.
You can now let others love you in their own unique way. However 'limited' that may seem to the mind.
Because through the eyes of abundance, even limited love is a blessing. An open heart is a miracle, yes, but a closed heart is also to be honoured.
So you can let others love you as much as they do.
You are no longer a beggar for love.
For you know the true source of love:
YOU.                  Jeff Foster

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